
First Entry...

So I finally have an official blog! Woot. Go me. Okay, so some background information on me: the name is Megan. Born in November 1991. I'm currently a senior in high school. Almost done with all of my college applications. I'm super stoked about that. My boyfriend of almost 3 years is in the US Army, he's an Infantryman. His specific job is a paratrooper. Yeah, he jumps out of planes. Which I don't really like, but somebody's gotta do it, right?

Which brings me to my next point... This blog will only have my true opinion-- not all that fluffy junk. I'll try to write exactly what I think- in the way I think it, so it might be slightly jumpy and kinda random. If it is, I'm kinda sorry. Not completely sorry, but not unapologetic.

So I'm kind of an insane multi-tasker. At this very moment, I'm watching NCIS [the new fave show], thinking about how to write an essay about Hamlet [didn't like it] for AP English, and doing a powerpoint for Advisory about my community service project. And doing this.

Today I was playing a game on MySpace. It was highly addicting. It's called Square. I don't recommend playing it unless you already don't have a life. But anways. My mom kinda went a little crazy about wanting to get me outside the house and in sunlight [ew]. So we went on a drive. And we ended up at Nugget Market in Davis. And then we went to the Davis arboretum. So I texted Tiff [one of the besties] so we could hang out. So we did. And I got to see Kalli. [haven't seen her since like September] and then silly me left my purse in Tiff's room, but of course I didn't realize this until I got all the way back home. So me and mom drove back and got my purse. I also kinda got addicted to this tea that we got at Nugget. It's called TeaJava. It's super tasty. But it's like 33 oz. So I drank like almost all of it and we were on the causeway. And I realllllllly had to pee. And so that kind of sucked.

But now I have to get back to my homework. And Desperate Housewives is on.

Later skaters!


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