
How different...?

I wish that people would rise above sterotypes. I wish that people would realize that people aren't just a skin color- and whatever associations are made with that. Just because I'm white doesn't mean I'm a racist person. I personally don't care what race people are. If I like you, I like you. If I don't, I just don't. It's not a race thing. It's a personality thing. Oh. I see. I get what MLK was talking about in his "I Have a Dream Speech." I just want to go on record and say that I completely agree with him about that. It would be his 80th birthday today.

We were watching this show about 1968. It was hosted by my favorite male newscaster. [Tom Brokaw] He's simply amazing. My favorite female newscaster is Lisa Ling. I've actually gotten to hear her speak. Twice. She's amazingly wonderful. Anyways, the show we were watching... After they talked about Bobby Kennedy being killed, I asked them how different would it be today if he hadn't of been killed? This is what we decided:
  1. Bobby Kennedy probably would have beat Nixon.
  2. Watergate wouldn't have happened.
  3. We might not have had W as a President.
  4. Then we wouldn't be in Iraq.
I think its strange that just one little incident could've changed the course of the future. They talk about that in Curious Case of Benjamin Button [which I didn't want to see but it was really good]. When Cate Blanchett gets into her accident, one little thing might have saved her leg. Like not being the last one to leave the building, paying attention when she crossed the street. Go think about that for a while. If you had been born a minute later, would you be a different person? If you had been born the day before or the day after, would you be some sort of psycho serial killer? I sincerely hope I wouldn't have been, but there's really no way to know.

And now my friends, it is time for Law and Order: Special Victims Unit.


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