
Inauguration Day

Oh dear. It's been an insanely historic day in these here United States. My [awesome] advisory teacher asked me to help set up the watch party at the Guild Theater here in Sacramento. I got there at like 6. AM. Yeah. I wasn't exactly awake yet. But I had fun. The only Senate kids that were there helping set up were: me, Destinee, and Kathleen. But it was still fun. We blew up balloons, were on the news, and got to stay until after the party broke up. Also, I didn't have to go to school today. So me and Destinee went and got some food. I hope I remember what I saw for the rest of my life. It was crazy awesome. It didn't seem like it would actually happen. Like something would go wrong. But it didn't. Except for Roberts messing up the oath. My favorite part was when the Obamas took the Bushs to the helicopter to say their final goodbyes.

I hope Senator Kennedy is okay. That family has been through way too much to lose him. And my mom has met him, and it would just devaste her. And we can't let that happen.

So I'm watching Nightly News on NBC. And they're doing a recap of all of today's events. And they showed the door to the Cadillac limos the Obamas are going to use from now on. And that door was SOOOO thick. Like a foot thick. It must be heavy.

This lady just said that the day after Elecetion Day, she told her kids that "while they were asleep Mart Luther King's dream came true." I think it's really cool that he became President the day after MLK's birthday.

My mom noticed something- she didn't get to watch the inauguration live because she had to go to work- Clinton and Carter didn't even acknowledge each other. Jimmy Carter walked straight past him. Is there some sort of fight going on that I just don't know about?

His speech was amazing. Like, one of the best I've heard, and trust me... I listen to a lot of people talk.

I love having my DVR. I get to skip through the bad news [usually about the economy] and get back to the good news [about the new First Lady in this case]. Malia and Sasha are super cute. Today must seem to go on forever for them. Apparently M & S are staying "at home" [I put that in quotes because I'm not quite used to saying President Barack Obama yet] and their gonna watch movies with a bunch of their friends. I wonder if their close.

HE HAS HIS OWN ELEMENTRY SCHOOL NOW. It's called Barack Obama Elementry. I don't know where it is.

During part of the news, they showed troops at Camp Victory in Baghdad. I really wanted it to be Camp Loyalty. That's where the boyfriend is. It would have totally made my day even better. It's our anniversary today. Two years, eleven months. :]

Okay. This is like a super long post so I'm going to stop typing. The news just wants me to keep typing. On a bad note, Mark Finan [favorite weatherman ever] said that it's supposed to rain tomorrow. And Thursday.

Okay. Now i'm really going to go. Dinner's ready. Woot!

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